About Artist



Graphic designer, visual artist, and muralist from Minnesota, Silent Fox created their name in 2016 to identify with their artwork. As well as an AFA in fine arts received from Minneapolis Community & Technical College, they hold a BA in studio arts and graphic design from Augsburg University. The name ‘Silent Fox’ comes from their belief that silence allows one to reflect on today’s world and creates a journey to discover meaning in life. Upon viewing their artwork, you may notice that they use various media, including watercolor, acrylic, digital Illustration, photography, and so forth, causing their artwork to constantly evolve. Under Silentfox.Studio, they explore the art community as a Visual Artist, Graphic Designer, and Muralist. In 2021 and 2022 Silent was a recipient of a MSAB grant designed to support artists and encourage community.  Since 2020 Fox has curated and designed exhibitions with the purpose of bringing art to the community. For the last three years, Fox has been a part of the Creatives After Curfew mural collective. They also are one of the Lead Directors and Creative Curators of 13.4 Collective.



Silent Fox is an Interdisciplinary Artist. Fox uses graphic design and visual art to create an ambient experience when exploring their art. Silent Fox began creating and drawing as a child. Inspired by their favorite cartoon character, they would draw in the margins of their school notebooks. This was so frequent that friends and family encouraged her to become an artist. This encouragement led them to pursue an education and career in the arts. They hold a BA in studio arts and graphic design from Augsburg University. In 2018, they renamed themself 'Silent Fox' which comes from their belief that silence allows one to reflect on today's world and creates a journey to discover meaning in life. Their creative practice includes work drawing, painting, graphic design, digital illustration, and animation. Within Their art practice, Fox is always learning and adding new art techniques to their practice; In hopes it brings another layer to the story and experiences.

Silent Fox’s work is constantly evolving. Approaching their practice with curiosity and openness, Silent sees making art as an opportunity to learn and see new connections. They began to explore how their artwork can offer new meanings and ways of understanding the larger world. Their work is a reflection of the ever-shifting aspects of life that include community, social issues, and life experiences., Silent finds beauty in tackling challenging topics and finding new perspectives through an imaginative process and world-building in their art.

Silent often incorporates bold colors in both simple and dynamic works. The use of bold colors is designed to draw your eyes in and evoke strong emotions. While referencing animated characters, stories, and pop culture, They hope to create work that invites the viewer to look closer to fully understand the messages behind each piece. On the surf level, Silent’s work appears to be bright, sweet, and fun; The Irony is that most of the artwork Silent’s creates reflects on tough topics such as black history, trauma, and mental health. Their art gives thoughts to Silent’s lived experience along with observations from world events. The cartoon characters and stylized drawings of figures bring care and comfort to challenging social topics we face as those are what brought them comfort in their early years.

Both knowing and not knowing provide Silent a fertile starting point in the process of developing their artworks. Society has a lot of problems, and art is their gateway to understanding and processing it. At the start of every line, cut, sketch, and brush stroke; Silent’s goal is to create an experience that constructs a space where everyone can connect with and share the moments. Being an Interdisciplinary visual artist, Fox is making at a fast speed and thinking of innovative ideas and creative risks in each body of work. One of their goals as an artist is to find new creative ways to explore and share their artwork. Some of their inspirations are Cai Guo-Qiang, Hayao Miyazaki, Hebru Brantley, and Kayla Mahaffey.

-Silent Fox 🦊